Life is a Revelation.
Life is filled with wonder and magic on the other side of the patriarchal trance. Let me guide you to break the spells of oppression cast by patriarchy that have kept you asleep to your own unique beauty and brilliance.
The Trance of Unworthiness.
Most of us are culturally programmed to slip into the trance of unworthiness at some point in our lives, and for many of us, we can stay stuck there, believing the lies we were taught about our value or worthiness in a patriarchal world.
I define this as living in a disembodied and disassociated state where we are often disconnected from our true feelings, emotions, intuition, and inspiration. In other words, we are surviving rather than thriving and have forgotten that our birthright is to feel alive, tuned in, and turned on about this wild journey of life!
From the time we are young, we are micro-dosed messages that degrade the feminine and teach us to conform to the rules of a patriarchal world. To do this, we must cast the feminine parts of ourselves out, and deny her as part of our human experience. By suppressing and denying the most vital aspects of ourselves, our emotions, sensuality, intuition, and erotic power, we feel isolated, exhausted, and even alienated from ourselves and others. Editing and minimizing our needs to avoid appearing needy or undesirable.
I spent most of my life trying to live up to a distorted version of womanhood dictated by patriarchal culture. To make things more confusing, I couldn’t see, nor did I even know what patriarchy was, nor was I aware of the intergenerational trauma it causes.
Like a fish in water, I was unaware of the systemic ability of this system of patriarchy to “hide in plain sight” because it’s the air we breathe and the waters we swim in.
As a woman born into a female body, I had been brainwashed from girlhood to believe lies about what it meant to be a “girl” in the world. My upbringing in the Catholic Church didn’t help, keeping me perpetually confused by the contradictions and hypocrisies. I was frustrated and often profoundly unsettled by the blatant and unjust imbalance of power and a hierarchy that favored one type of person over another.
The constant but steady indoctrination was subtle and sometimes blatant. Through media, school, history books, movies, my home, and through my church, I felt blamed, shamed, shunned, and rejected due to my gender, which continued to erode my sense of self-worth. By age ten, I began distancing myself from all things feminine. I cut my hair short, refused to wear dresses, and made myself toughen up, so I wouldn’t cry, move, or run “like a girl.” I wanted no part of the feminine.
So began the “trance of unworthiness” as I gradually disassociated from my developing female body, deferring my agency to those I believed were “the experts.” So too, did I begin an unconscious practice of self-loathing, self-criticism, and self-doubt.
My way of coping with life was to shut down my empathic, emotional, intuitive, erotic self to be what they wanted me to be, which was “pretty, pleasing, and polite. By the time I was an adult, I had mastered the act of self-abandonment. I no longer knew who I was and was almost entirely unaware of how disconnected I had become. I had learned how to perform my life instead of living it.
After years of pushing and striving to prove myself, I had reached the pinnacle of so-called success.
From the outside looking in, I appeared to have it all, and yet my insides were hollow, empty, and void of any vitality or passion for life. I had become chronically tense, exhausted, and lonely, even around wonderful people.
The exterior of my life was a pretty picture. I had a lovely home, a handsome husband, two beautiful children, and a successful award-winning business that appeared in magazines, and even on The Today Show! Outwardly I was presenting as a wildly successful female entrepreneur, and all-around “good wife,” “good daughter,” “good mother,” and “good friend.”
On the other side of that pretty picture, I was falling apart. For years I had pretended not to know that I was unhappy, unfulfilled, and exhausted. My marriage was failing and getting harder to manage by the day, and my children suffered.
My nervous system was constantly dysregulated, so I doubled down, thinking that if I worked harder or loved them better, I could get through it. I ignored the signals my distressed body gave me until my health, marriage, and business finally collapsed. At that point, I experienced a dark night of the soul- a state of personal crisis that nearly cost me my life as I spiraled into extreme dis-ease, culminating in divorce, debt, depression, isolation, tremendous and overwhelming grief, and debilitating shame and guilt.
How had this happened? I had followed my parents, elders, friends, and culture's directives - so why did everything feel so wrong?
This epic crisis became the crack where the light gets in. Instead of this being the end as I surely thought it was, it became my journey back home to my true self. As I started taking steps toward healing from unrealized childhood trauma, and a lifetime of self-damaging behavior by conforming to what my culture told me at the expense of myself, a new world opened up for me to show me the path forward.
This was the beginning of my “Revelation Project.” As part of this process, I began to see how I had internalized the damaging messages of our culture and its systemic degradation of the feminine through religion, education, media, and more, leading me to blame myself instead of the toxic system of abuse that was designed to degrade my spirit, and keep me in a trance.
Over my years of recovery, I began unbecoming.
Unbecoming who everyone wanted me to be to discover my authentic voice and self-expression while healing the fractures of my mind, body, and spirit as I re-membered.
Each layer that was not me was removed, inviting me into revelations of reclamation, healing, and wholeness as my vitality, joy, creativity, and laughter slowly returned for the first time in a very long time. I was coming back to life, and it was beautiful!
In hindsight, I can see the conditioning that caused me to disassociate and disown the many parts of myself that I believed would be shunned and rejected. I know now that the trance helped me to survive, and I’ve found this is true for most of my clients, and yet, if we don’t disrupt it and save ourselves, no one else will come.
We must take the first steps to be willing to take a chance on ourselves, to see that life is not what we have been conditioned to think it is.
My life’s work and research are now dedicated to helping others identify and deconstruct internalized patriarchy, and to break the spells of oppression that keep us in the trance of unworthiness- the common denominator that slowly erodes us from the inside out, draining us and dimming our light.
This is why it’s so important that we see the systems of oppression that hide in plain sight because, as we reveal, we heal, and remember who we are as powerful, creative, vital human beings here to make a difference in the world because each of us contains a unique element of what the world needs, and without us, the world will not be transformed into a new vision and version for our next evolution.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
It’s my honor to assist my clients in 1X1 coaching sessions or through group coaching in the following ways:
Remember their brilliance and help them see it too.
Recognize and deconstruct internalized patriarchy and its intersecting systems through customized teachings, tools, and practices of the sacred feminine, which also rebalances and includes the masculine aspects of self.
Unbecome from years of social conditioning to re-inhabit our bodies so we can reclaim our innate intelligence.
Transform our lives from surviving to thriving, while rewiring neural pathways to encourage a healthy and happy nervous system.
Guide women back home to their wild, intuitive, and erotic selves to reclaim the parts of Self we may have unconsciously abandoned, suppressed, or exiled in exchange for love and belonging.
Thrive in circles of sisterhood that invite us back to the mystery and magic of the sacred feminine.
Celebrate the breakdowns and honor the breakthroughs on the path to radical self-approval.
Embrace the messy truths that surface when we do our inner work. These confusing and magnificent moments open the portal into new realms of understanding, higher consciousness, and profound joy.
To stop hiding and suppressing our voices, stories, and truth. When we hide our true selves, we do so at the cost of ourselves and the world.
If you’d like to listen to some of the intimate and gritty parts of my story you can by hitting the button below:
The Revelation Project
The Revelation Project is a framework to, explore and remember the sacred feminine's teachings, tools, and practices.
It’s rooted in curiosity, self-discovery, authenticity, and sisterhood. It is intended as a catalyst for “revelations” to lead you back home to your true and sovereign Self, to reclaim your mind, body, and spirit from patriarchal programming and the trance of unworthiness.
The Revelation Project is a roadmap to UNBECOMING from who the world told you to be.
It’s an invitation to become aware of the masks of “pretty, pleasing, and polite” that so many of us were taught to do to survive an emotionally uninhabitable world.
The Revelation Project invites the messy, gritty, human parts of ourselves to trance-end suffering, isolation, and self-rejection to rejoin the circle of belonging, interconnectedness wholeness- where all parts of us get to belong, even the messy bits, and where what gets revealed gets healed.
Our Mission
The Mission of The Revelation Project:
To disrupt the trance of unworthiness and guide women to reveal and remember the truth of who we are.
As women, we are born with a naturally powerful presence and knowing. Our birthright as the creative force of human life reinforces the legitimacy, necessity, and authority of our existence. Yet throughout history, women have consistently been positioned and treated as inferior. The worthiness of women has been diminished, yet without women, humanity would be unsustainable.
The seemingly insurmountable gender programming we’ve been exposed to for generations goes deeper than this surface level tragedy. It’s been ingrained into the individual mindset of each baby girl born on this earth. Every one of our female ancestors, every one of us, every one of our daughters has been exposed to the patriarchal conditioning that though we are making progress toward reform, still runs rampant through the very veins that fuel society.
It’s only natural then, that women often feel unseen, unheard, and inconsequential. And these feelings lead to deeper symptoms of self-loathing: loneliness, overwhelm, numbness, inability to feel or make decisions, disproportionate reactions, shame, self-criticism, self-judgement, and struggle. There is a disconnect between the Truth of our existence, the natural rhythm of the feminine, and who we are allowed to be in this life.
And yet we know there must be something more. We yearn for greater purpose and impact. We crave true Love, unknowing that we ARE love.
Let the Revelation Project help you reap the rewards of peeling off the layers of what isn’t you, to reveal the truth of who you are….
I am with you, sister. I too have been through the disorienting maze of the patriarchy. I too was conditioned to repel the feminine as weak and unworthy. The more spiritual, feminine, goddess-like, something is, I was conditioned to dismiss it. I have been through the depths of my own personal hell, and came out the other side with the realization that to journey through this in isolation is unnecessary, even detrimental. We must unify to heal and unite to transform.
The Revelation Project is both an individual and holistic movement that lifts the barriers from everything that keeps women from being in love. We see you and bear witness to your life. We give your story a voice. We name your suffering and remind you of who you truly are. We guide you on the path to coming home to your Self, and teach you how to use your own navigation to get there. We give you the tools to reconnect and reorient yourself to love your Self and then change your self-perception. We activate the divinity that is you. And knowing that the Divine is love, when you are finally in love, you are in revelation. This is where we begin. For it is through the revelation of each woman that we then initiate the Revolution of humankind. To get started immediately download the Bill of Rights for women - it will help you remove that first layer and activate revelations to move you forward.
Founder Monica Rodgers, cppc.
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, Sacred Feminine Rights Of Passage Practitioner, Medicine Woman,Truth-Teller, Soul-Diver, Light-worker, Belly Laugher, Alchemist.
Monica Rodgers is a tireless advocate for the full actualization of Women. She is a champion for advancing consciousness and personal accountability through co-active coaching and podcasting. Her goal is to guide women to reveal her own personal truth, unique brilliance and inner power.
With over 30 years of experience in healing modalities, leadership and Co-Active Coaching, she also has a wealth of experience as a writer, blogger, entrepreneur, and business consultant.
Monica is also the founder of Little Bits by Monica Rodgers and The Earth Savers Gang Story Book Series, a contributing writer for Girl God Books, and has been featured in:
Our clients say:
"The Revelation Project helps remind a woman of her primal essence, to wake up her soul-voice, and to claim the sacredness of being a woman. We are reminded of what having unconditional love for ourselves feels like. Recently a friend pointed out to me that love by itself is unconditional, but once you put it in a relationship, the relationship makes the love feel conditional. The Revelation Project gives a woman back her unconditional love. - Andrea Willets
"Our society constantly bombards women with bizarre and unattainable expectations. We are supposed to be perfect for everyone else but ourselves. It is awful! TRP instantly takes away those messages and helps a woman see herself as who she truly is. - Claire Silva