Speaking + Appearances
Bringing an infectious warmth and playful levity wherever she goes, Monica Rodgers is a tireless advocate for the full actualization of women, inspiring women everywhere that saying “YES to the MESS” is the missing link to self-love and personal awakening.
Through her podcast and group coaching programs, Monica guides women through their inner revolution, from trance to transcendence, revealing the toxic myths of social conditioning and self-doubt to illuminate the magic and magnificence of our imperfect selves.
She believes that women can realize their true potential only when they stop proving and striving to be who everyone wants them to be. When we reveal the truth of who we are, we return to our “original design.” With the practice of self-love and compassion, we become aligned, opening the portal into our divine purpose where true prosperity dwells. There has never been a more critical time for women to reveal the truth of who we are as a catalyst for positive change as the Sacred Feminine returns.
Topics & Talks Include:
Revelation to Revolution: The Seven Steps to Feminine Freedom
The Comfort Zone is Killing Us:
The Medicine of Self Approval
Disrupting The Trance of Unworthiness
The Return of the Divine Feminine in The Sophia Century
The Mythical Mother & The Archetypes of the Feminine
Saying Yes to The Mess: The Portal to Transcendence
Sisterhood: Reconstructing the Circle of Inclusion
Connect with Monica:
Website: http://jointherevelation.com
Podcast: http://podcast.jointherevelation.com
Email: hello@jointherevelation.com
Twitter: @trpwoman
Facebook: @revelationwoman
Instagram: @revelationwoman
I’d love to be a guest on your podcast or speak
at your special event!
Listen to my guest appearances
on other amazing podcasts!
The Psychedelic Mom Podcast
As this week’s guest Monica Rogers sees it, we are living through a “great apocalypse”, which is also a time of revelation that is helping humanity to excavate and reveal the illusions that are holding women back from expressing their divine nature. Listen in to a conversation between two psychedelic mothers and podcasters as they discuss the personal and cultural impacts of the wounding and the healing of the divine feminine.
Empath & The Narcissist Podcast with Raven Scott
She believes that women can take action towards realizing our true potential only when we stop proving and striving to be who everyone wants us to be. When we reveal the truth of who we are, we return to our “original design” and with the practice of self love and compassion, we become aligned, opening the portal into our divine purpose where true prosperity dwells. There has never been a more important time for women to reveal the truth of who we are as a catalyst for positive change in the world as the Divine Feminine returns.
Today I share a conversation with Monica Rodgers.
Aligned & Unstoppable with Emily Aarons
Perfectionism And Healing Our Inner Critic
Inner critics, we all have them. But can you recognize yours? Is it so clever you might not even know it’s there?
That’s just what happened to my guest on the podcast today, Monica Rodgers. It took a moment, deep in the heart of her dark night of the soul for her to hear it. She heard the critical voices that a Shaman had just told her would likely kill her if she didn’t learn to speak more kindly to herself.
She didn’t know what he meant… until she did.
Settle in for this episode as we go deep into what can happen when you are living a life that doesn’t suit you. How change can come in disguise and the blessing of it can be realized later.
There’s ALWAYS help available and it can show up in such unexpected and magical ways – just as it did for Monica!
The Women Waken Podcast
Radical Self Approval and Disrupting the Trance of Unworthiness with Monica Rodgers!
It is hard to find anyone in our world today who doesn't struggle to fully love and accept themselves. From the time we are born we are impacted by the events and circumstances of our lives so heavily that we can begin to believe they have the ability to build up or break down who we are as human beings. We can spend a lifetime trying to feel whole and at peace with ourselves. My radiant guest, Monica Rodgers, has made it her life's work to guide women on this exact journey through their inner (r)evolution. On this episode we traverse many related topics including why women are the key to harmony and sustainability in the 21st Century, how to say Yes to the Mess, why the mess is a portal into self-liberation and self-love, and why circling with women is more important than ever.
Return to Wholeness with Holly Toronto
You Are Sufficient with Monica Rodgers
This episode is so powerful as we explore what it means to move beyond external measures of value and worth into rooted sufficiency within ourselves.Here's what we cover:
• The root of fragmentation being a choice between being loved and abandoning ourselves
• What Monica refers to as the unbecoming process, where we unlearn who we were expected to be
• The conditioned shadow side of the feminine to be pretty, pleasing and polite
• The trance of unworthiness and beginning to access our own sufficiency as women
• Wanting what we want sometimes looking like wanting less
• How revelation does not happen inside of our comfort zone
• The guilt we might feel when we've been doing our own work and seeing the results in our thriving lives
• Not doing someone else's life project for them
• What's really underneath jealousy
• How to create conscious and healthy sisterhood
• Becoming the cherished mother in your own life
Phoenix Rising with Melissa K. Range
Rise from the Ashes with Monica Rodgers
Through her podcast and group coaching programs, Monica guides women through their inner (r)evolution, from trance to transcendence, revealing the toxic myths of social conditioning and self-doubt in order to illuminate the magic and magnificence of our imperfect selves. She believes that women can take action towards realizing our true potential only when we stop proving and striving to be who everyone wants us to be. When we reveal the truth of who we are, we return to our “original design” and with the practice of self love and compassion, we become aligned, opening the portal into our divine purpose where true prosperity dwells. There has never been a more important time for women to reveal the truth of who we are as a catalyst for positive change in the world as the Divine Feminine returns. -
The Goddess Talk Podcast
What Gets Revealed Gets Healed
Join us as we explore the places we’ve been taught "not to go" as women, and why our courage to lean into exactly these places is what will empower & free us most — because what gets revealed gets healed.
• Say YES to your human MESS
• Unbecoming to discover your true self
• Disrupting the trance of unworthiness
• The Sophia Century (why feminine principles will resolve collective challenges)
• How religion has omitted the feminine
• The 7 steps to feminine freedom
• The wisdom of emotions (specially the ones we avoid)
• The medicine of radical self-approval
Rituals of Our Mothers
Faith From Within: Monica’s Story
Monica Rodgers, creator of The Revelation Project, shares her unforgettable journey into the underworld of what her life was as she knew it. As structures, foundations, and relationships collapsed, Monica came face to face with the Divine Feminine, and found within that face her own mother. In Episode 6 of Season 1, Monica shares her story of faith, love, and finding Truth in a world full of unknowns. -
Apricot Jam
In this episode, we discuss the patriarchy and manbox culture.
Home To Her
Awakening from the Trance of Unworthiness with Monica Rodgers
So often for women, there’s a breakdown that needs to occur in order for us to truly wake up from the trance of unworthiness that is the special gift of patriarchal systems. On this episode, Monica Rodgers, podcaster and creatrix of the Revelation Project, talks to me about finding the beauty in the breakdown. -
Feminine Frequency
The Return of the Divine Feminine and Disrupting the Trance of Unworthiness w/ Monica Rodgers
The Vendor's Daughter
In this episode we discuss:
the idea that what gets revealed gets healed
why we need to disrupt the trend of unworthiness
the masks we wear
the idea that you can't actually do it all
why we need to start living in our bodies
why women need to start interrogating how we've been told to be
meeting ourselves gently
The Art of Feminine Marketing Podcast
Revealing The Essence of Who You Truly Are
In this episode:The reason why women need to write a "Bill of Rights" to guide their business
How perfectionism sabotages us
What does "unbecoming" mean and why it’s so important
The 7 steps to feminine freedom
2 Woke Sisters Podcast
Claiming Your "Mess" for Self-Liberation
In this episode with our guest Monica Rodgers, we cover:
Saying YES to your MESS (and how to hold yourself in it)
Why circling with women is more important than ever
The portal to self-liberation and self-love
Why perfectionism is the downfall of women
Healing unconscious internal misogyny
Revealing the truth of who we, where our true prosperity dwells
Lead Your Day with Merilyn
Radical Self Approval
Changemaker, Monica Rogers encourages women everywhere to say ‘yes to the mess’. She believes that when women fully realise their authentic potential they become aligned to who they truly are and this is where prosperity resides. Monica’s mission is to see more women leaders making a positive change in the world.
The Spiritually Persistent Entrepreneur Podcast
In this podcast, you will experience interviews with successful spiritual entrepreneurs, authors, and thought leaders, activations to support the entrepreneurial mindset, and coaching moments with me. We have a thriving Success Support Community available for support beyond the podcasts!
Earth.Love.Spirit. Podcast
Women: Messy, Magical and Magnificent
Monica is ardent about disrupting the trance of unworthiness in women and in everyone. We covered:Say yes to the mess of transformation and change. You can’t avoid it if you want to be truly liberated.
The divine feminine, Sophia, is rising once again to balance out the masculine, not to take over.
Women’s bodies carry the message of embodiment, passion, strength, and love. Once we are embodied, this is all available to us.
And so much more!
Light After Trauma Podcast
Why Your Comfort Zone Is Killing You
Monica talks about the dangers of staying in your comfort zone as well as the benefits you reap when choosing to step outside of it!
Mind Love ♡ Modern Mindfulness Podcast
The Trance of Unworthiness
Have you ever found yourself looking at someone who has achieved what you want in your life and thought, “That could never be me,” or thought that they must have some special quality that you don’t possess?
The truth is, who you are is equal and worthy. You are an aspect of divine intelligence seeking expression in physical form, and how you choose to express in this lifetime doesn’t affect how incredibly worthy you are.
But it is also true, that what you believe about yourself will dictate your life experience…
Women Seeking Wholeness Podcast
Say YES to the MESS!
It is a sacred duty to express your sovereign soul and be yourself! In this podcast, I bring in top experts, and we go deep. These are bold, compassionate, to-the-point, & sometimes challenging conversations integrating the sacred feminine, emotional healing, mothering, authentic spirituality, natural health, self-nourishment, beauty & "fempreneuring." This is YOUR time, sister. -
The Find Your Awesome Podcast
The R(evolution)
Holy moly, the wisdom and truth bombs are electric in this conversation with Monica Rodgers! Striving for all the things that other people say is what you should want is a guaranteed way to lead to a state of exhaustion. That’s where cynicism, resignation and the trance of just going with the flow come from. Monica woke up to this reality when she got sick and life gave her a full smackdown. The revelation: She had been building an empire on quicksand.
SalesPOP! Podcast
Problems Women Face in Modern Society
Everybody has their own Revelation Project. In this Expert Insight Interview, we welcome Monica Rodgers, president of Revelation Media and serial entrepreneur with over 30 years of business experience. She discusses the Revelation Project and the importance of using both masculine and feminine energy to navigate our lives.
Intuitive Business Podcast
How To Connect To Your Divine Feminine
Candice Hozza’s podcast explores how we can make decisions more effectively so we can get back into flow and profitability. Each episode explores the ways we can connect to our own intuition, get into alignment, and release the blocks that hold us back from the life, business, and prosperity we desire.
Understanding our heart space requires removing our old masks and leaning into the flow of the divine feminine. In this interview, I talk about how I took off my old masks and joyfully stepped into my intuitive self. It was so juicy.
Ignite Your Life Podcast
The Comfort Zone Is Killing Us
Monica believes that women can take action towards realizing our true potential only when we stop proving and striving and trying to be who everyone wants us to be. When we become true to our self and return to our “original design” with love and compassion, we become aligned, opening the portal into our divine purpose where peace, joy and prosperity dwells. There has never been a more important time for women to reveal the truth of who we are as a catalyst for positive change in the world.

Your podcast or mine?
If you believe I’d be a good fit for your podcast, or if you would like to appear as my guest, please click the button below.
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Revel in the joy of alignment.