Reveal You Portrait Shoot

Have you ever truly seen yourself?

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The authentic you.

REVEAL YOU is a half day personal workshop experience designed to help you embody, experience and integrate the aspects of your Self.

If you’ve ever struggled to see yourself, know yourself more deeply, or are just curious to reveal more- then this workshop is for you.

The structure of your special day is designed within a half-day experience that includes:

  • Hair & Makeup

  • Photographer

  • Pre and Post Interview

  • Workshop with One on One Coaching

  • Support Materials & Workbook

When you participate in the Reveal You Portrait Workshop the value is ongoing and the revelations last a lifetime.

I was the eighth and youngest child born to a US Army Major General and a 'traditional' southern belle, stay-at-home-mom.  They were conservative, right-wing, and Catholic, and from a very young age I knew I was very, very different.  I was one of only two girls in the family and was a little activist from early on.  I was sensitive and different and in my teens, rebellious and moody.  I knew I wanted to work with people and eventually wound up in Boston to get my MSW.  I worked in nonprofit for 15 years and burned out, and blessedly found the Coaches Training Institute in 2008.  Since then, I have worked as a personal and executive coach, psychotherapist, group leader, consultant, and several years ago I was chosen to lead for CTI.  I love my work—it is creative, energizing, fun, and intimate.  I love helping people tap into greater self-compassion, and to live fuller, more meaningful lives.

 What will you experience?

Our Reveal YOU portrait workshop is POWERFUL.
Our participants experience a major shift in their lives by partaking in this transformative experience. In addition to having a tremendous keepsake and legacy of portraiture, women have reported healing aspects of their lives that they never thought possible.

This workshop will clarify and accelerate your personal and professional life. You will gain a deep sense of fulfillment, inspiration, and experience quantum-growth.  Learn more about what our participants have to say.

A glimpse into
what you might expect

  • Our team of professionals surround you with love, pampering, laughter, safe space, and of course, cameras! If this terrifies you, it's ok! It's truly a nurturing experience and you will feel reassured within minutes of entering through our door on your special day.

  • Once booked, your coach will contact you with a pre-interview so we can get to know you a bit before your date.

  • When you show up to the site location, you will be welcomed into a safe supportive space where you are free to explore all of who you are and what wants to be revealed. You will get some pampering, meditation, and be guided through your shoot in a way that invites you to find freedom in your process of self-expression and self-discovery.

  • Part of your project includes surrender. Once your images are chosen and edited, you'll share them within our community and with your own, via Facebook.

  • We'll conduct your post interview which will be housed on our blog and in our gallery.

  • Finally, we will invite you into a sisterhood of women who all share a similar but unique experience.

Click "Reveal You Now" to register for this life-changing workshop.

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Learning to trust myself:

The biggest challenges that I’ve faced as a woman are somewhat intertwined. Learning to trust myself and my intuition, ignoring “the inner voice” never ends well, and creating harmony between the masculine and feminine energies of life.

I spent the first 13 years of my career in highly masculine energy, over-corrected to feminine energy while recapturing it, and now finding the middle ground is still an ongoing journey.

Embracing my full magnificence and power by learning to embrace what is unique and amazing about me has been a process, for sure.  It has meant learning to let go of what other people think of me, owning my brilliance (both life experience and intuitive wisdom), and surrendering and letting go....

- Revelations by Beth Marshall during her Reveal You Photoshoot

Galleries and Interviews:

Explore our images and the many interviews from the women who have experienced this workshop: